表現論関係のプレプリント、 出版済みの論文 なども集めてみました。また非公式なもので、表現の分解の表とか、良く知られている事実のエレガントな証明、文献紹介なども歓迎いたします。


  1. NEW!! [Wed Oct 29 18:46:49 JST 2003]
    Hisayosi Matumoto,
    The homomorphisms between scalar generalized Verma modules associated to maximal parabolic subalgebras. 34 pages.

  2. [Tue Jul 29 17:48:32 JST 2003]
    Hung-Yean Loke,
    Analytic continuation of the Gelfand-Zetlin bases. 20 pages.

  3. [Tue Jul 29 17:49:14 JST 2003]
    Kai, Chifune and Nomura, Takaaki,
    A characterization of symmetric cones through pseudoinverse maps. 20 pages.

  4. [Mon Apr 7 13:07:35 JST 2003]
    Hisayosi Matumoto,
    The edge-of-wedge type embeddings of derived functor modules for the type A classical groups. 22 pages.

  5. [Wed Jul 17 10:16:43 JST 2002]
    Kyo Nishiyama,
    Classification of spherical nilpotent orbits for U(p, p). Preprint, 13 pages.
    [ PDF ] / [ DVI ] / [ PS ] / [ Updated: ]

  6. [Wed Jul 3 16:25:29 JST 2002]
    Kaoru Hiragha,
    On functoriality of Zelevinski involutions, preprint 43 pages.

  7. [Wed May 29 10:02:09 JST 2002]
    Kyo Nishiyama and Chen-bo Zhu,
    Theta lifting of nilpotent orbits for symmetric pairs. Preprint, 24 pages.
    [ PDF ] / [ DVI ] / [ PS ]

    A long version is also available:
    [ PDF ] / [ DVI ] / [ PS ] / [ Updated : ]
  8. [Tue Apr 23 18:02:08 JST 2002]
    Chen-bo Zhu,
    Representations with scalar K-types and applications, to appear in "Israel Jour. Math."
    [ PDF ]

  9. [Thu Dec 13 11:47:15 JST 2001]
    Takuya Ohta,
    Nilpotent orbits of $ Z_4 $-graded Lie algebra and geometry of moment maps associated to the dual pair $ ( U(p, q) , U(r, s) ) $. 37 pages.

  10. [Thu Dec 13 11:47:15 JST 2001]
    Hung-Yean Loke,
    Howe quotients of unitary characters and unitary lowest weight modules.
    [ PDF file ]

  11. 落合さんからの情報 [Thu Dec 13 11:38:43 JST 2001]

  12. [Thu Dec 13 11:47:15 JST 2001]
    T. Oshima,
    Annihilators of generalized Verma modules of the scalar type for classical Lie algebras, UTMS 01-29.

  13. [Thu Dec 13 11:47:15 JST 2001]
    T. Kobayashi and B. Orsted,
    Analysis on the minimal representation of O(p,q), I, II, III.
    Zipped dvi files [ ]

  14. [Tue Sep 25 18:01:12 JST 2001]
    Simon Gindikin and Toshihiko Matsuki,
    Stein extensions of Riemann symmetric spaces and dualities of orbits on flag manifolds, MSRI preprint #2001-028.

  15. [Wed Jul 11 14:39:39 JST 2001]
    H.-Y. Loke,
    On the associated cycles and the restrictions of quarternionic representations. 14 pages.

  16. [Tue May 8 17:47:51 JST 2001]
    J.S. Huang,
    Invariant differential operators and eigenspace representations on an affine symmetric space, 32 pages.

    J.S. Huang and P. Pandzic,
    Dirac cohomology, unitary representations and a proof of a conjecture of Vogan, 20 pages.

  17. [Fri Apr 13 11:21:39 JST 2001]
    A. W. Knapp ,
    "Branching theorems for compact symmetric spaces" (March 2001).
    [ PostScript file ] (1983 KB)

  18. [Fri Dec 8 18:22:03 JST 2000]
    J.-S. Li , A. Paul , E.-C. Tan and C.-B. Zhu ,
    The explicit duality correspondence of ( Sp(p, q), O^*(2 n) ). Preprint, 23 pages.

    J.-S. Li , E.-C. Tan and C.-B. Zhu ,
    Tensor product of degenerate principal series and local theta correspondence. Preprint, 43 pages.

    R. Howe and C.-B. Zhu ,
    Eigendistributions for orthogonal groups and representations of symplectic groups. Preprint, 30 pages.

    S. T. Lee and H. Y. Loke ,
    Degenerate principal series representations of U(p, q) and Spin_0(p, q).
    NUS Research Report No. 775, July 2000. (37 pages.)

  19. [2000-11-26]
    Kyo Nishiyama, Hiroyuki Ochiai, Kenji Taniguchi, Hiroshi Yamashita, and Shohei Kato,
    Nilpotent orbits, associated cycles and Whittaker models for highest weight representations.
    To appear in Asterisque.

    The volume under the title above contains:
    3 articles (NOT, Y, KO), introduction to the volume, and concluding remarks.
    Full Volume: PDF File [ ]
    To downroad each article (dvi, ps, pdf), click here.
    1. Introduction
    2. NOT: Nishiyama, Ochiai and Taniguchi,
      Bernstein degree and associated cycles of Harish-Chandra modules --- Hermitian symmetric case ---, 70 pages.
    3. Y: Yamashita,
      Cayley transform and generalized Whittaker models for irreducible highest weight modules, 55 pages.
    4. KO: Kato and Ochiai,
      Shohei Kato and Hiroyuki Ochiai, The degrees of orbits of the multiplicity-free actions, 19 pages.
    5. Concluding remarks

  20. [Tue Aug 29 14:23:55 JST 2000]

    Takuya Konno,
    A survey on the Arthur-Selberg trace formula,
    48 pages, based on the talk at the RIMS Workshop on 29 June, 2000.

  21. Kyo Nishiyama and Chen-bo Zhu,
    Theta lifting of holomorphic discrete series. The case of $ U(p, q) \times U(n, n) $.
    Preprint 20 pages.

    Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  22. [Fri Apr 14 12:11:56 JST 2000]

    Peter E. Trapa ,
    Annihilators, associated varieties, and the theta correspondence.
    (Original version posted 21 November 1999; revised 4 April 2000.)

  23. [Thu Feb 10 17:52:33 JST 2000]

    Takeshi Hirai, Hiroaki Shimomura, Nobuhiko Tatsuuma and Estuko Hirai,
    Inductive limits of topologies, their direct products, and problems related to algebraic structures.
    Kyoto University Preprint Series, Kyoto-Math 2000-01 (40 pages).

  24. [Thu Feb 3 16:21:00 JST 2000]

    Kyo Nishiyama,
    Multiplicity-free actions and the geometry of nilpotent orbits.
    Preprint 16 pages. (To appear in Math. Ann.)

    Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  25. [Fri Oct 15 11:56:22 JST 1999]

    D.\v{Z}. Djokovi\'{c}, J. Sekiguchi, and N. Lemire,
    The closure ordering of adjoint nilpotent orbits in so(p, q)
    (Preprint 48 pages.)

  26. [Tue Aug 31 18:18:15 JST 1999]

    Shimeno,N.: Boundary values of the Eisenstein series on SL(2,Z)\SL(2,R) (preprint, Aug 1999)
    [AMS-LaTeX, 10 pages : dvi / pdf ]

    Shimeno,N.: An analogue of Hardy's theorem for the Heckman-Opdam transform (preprint, Jul 1999)
    [AMS-LaTeX, 6 pages : dvi / pdf ]

  27. Hung Yean LOKE,
    Restrictions of quoternionic representations,
    preprint28 pages.

    Jing-Song HUANG and Jian-Shu LI,
    Unipotent representations attached to spherical nilpotent orbits,
    preprint 21 pages.

    Jian-Shu LI,
    Minimal representations and reductive dual pairs,
    preprint 48 pages.

  28. Version Up ↑ [Tue Aug 29 14:27:03 JST 2000]

    Kyo Nishiyama, Hiroyuki Ochiai, and Kenji Taniguchi,
    Bernstein degree and associated cycles of Harish-Chandra modules -- Hermitian symmetric case --.
    Preprint 69 pages. (To appear in Asterisque.) [Mon Jun 14 10:45:54 JST 1999]

    We have found many errors in the previous version.
    Please download the newest one. The present version is Ver. 1.51

    Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  29. R. Brylinski and B. Kostant,
    Geometric quantization and holomorphic half-form models of unitary minimal representations I.
    Preprint 34 pages.

    R. Brylinski and B. Kostant,
    Transverse polarizations of minimal nilpotent orbits and geometric quantization.
    Preprint 59 pages.

  30. A. G. Helminck, J. Hilgert, A. Neumann and G. \'{O}laffson,
    A conjugacy theorem for symmetric spces.
    Preprint 5 pages.

    TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

    W. Bertram and J. Hilgert
    Hardy spaces and analytic continuation of Bergman spaces.
    Preprint 31 pages.

    TeX dvi file : ; [ ]



  1. RIMS 短期共同: 「p進群の調和解析」講究録
    (July 1 -- July 5, 2002) [Fri May 30 12:00:44 JST 2003]

  2. RIMS 研究集会: 「保型形式と局所体上の代数群の表現」講究録
    (January 20 -- January 24, 2003; 代表者 齋藤裕(京大)/高橋哲也(大阪府大)) [Mon Apr 7 12:00:45 JST 2003]



  1. [00/11/25 16:36]

    表現論の方法と考え方 [名古屋大学 ('00/11) での集中講義ノート]

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  2. [Tue Oct 31 19:17:10 JST 2000]

    西山享, 巾零軌道とリー群の表現論
    [代数学シンポジウム (九州大学六本松キャンパス) August 9, 2000 における講演
    ``Theta lifting of representations and geometry of nilpotent orbits'' の報告]

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  3. リー群の軌道分解 (松木敏彦: 京都大学 総合人間学部)

    TeX dvi file : 松木さんのホームページ

  4. 極小表現入門 [東大 ('98/12) での集中講義ノート]

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file :

  5. 対称式と調和多項式に関する講義ノート[少し長いです]('98/1/5)

    目次/群とあそぼう(復習)/対称群の作用する空間/線型群のお話/対称式と調和多項式/多項式環上の対称群の表現 [計 50 ページ]

    Post Script file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  6. 蟹江さん@三重大のリーマン面の話

  7. 倉敷での集会(Nov. 5 -- Nov. 8, 1996) のノート が公開されています。

  8. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Restriction of the irreducible representation of $ GL_n $ to the symmetric group $ {\frak S}_n $.

    It is well-known that the 0-weight space of the irreducible representation of $ GL_n $ with highest weight of size $ n $ is irreducible for $ {\frak S}_n $. This note is a generalization of such kind of phenominon. A relation to the plethysm is also dicussed.

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  9. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Reductive Dual Pair と Weil 表現 -- 一方が compact の場合 --
    '96 整数論サマースクール報告集用の原稿がやっとできました。たくさんの方のお手を煩わせましたがようやく完成しました。どうも有難うございました。('96/12/16)

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  10. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Cells in Weyl group, notes for Tottori Workshop, Jan. 1996.

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]




  1. 表現論関係の集会の講演題目集(熊原先生による)
    表現論シンポジウムの歴史 のコーナーもあります。
    -- Update :

  2. 京都大学:
    平井武 Takeshi Hirai , 西山享 Kyo Nishiyama , 松木敏彦 Toshihiko Matsuki ,

  3. 東京大学 :
    大島利雄 Toshio Oshima , 小林俊行 Toshiyuki Kobayashi

  4. National University of Singapore :
    Helmer Aslaksen , Lee Soo Teck , Eng Chye Tan , Zhu ChengBo



著作権に関する注意 をお読み下さい。
  1. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Commutant algebra and harmonic polynomials of a Lie algebra of vector fields. J. Alg., 183(1996), 545 -- 559.

    落合さんから misprint を指摘していただきました。

    下記に misprint の訂正版と、論文では省略して書いてある Cartan type の調和多項式 (CHP) の完全な表を置いておきますのでご利用下さい。

    Post Script file TeX dvi file
    Newest version of the paper : Newest version of the paper :
    Table of CHP : Table of CHP :

  2. Kyo Nishiyama,
    半単純 Lie 群の standard 表現入門 -- $ Sp(2, \R) $ と $ SU(2, 2) $ を中心に --, 数理研講究録909所収.

    PDF file : ; Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file :


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