Caution!! Expired file, before 1998

表現論関係のプレプリント、 出版済みの論文 なども集めてみました。また非公式なもので、表現の分解の表とか、良く知られている事実のエレガントな証明、文献紹介なども歓迎いたします。


  1. R. Brylinski and B. Kostant,
    Geometric quantization and holomorphic half-form models of unitary minimal representations I.
    Preprint 34 pages.

    R. Brylinski and B. Kostant,
    Transverse polarizations of minimal nilpotent orbits and geometric quantization.
    Preprint 59 pages.

  2. A. G. Helminck, J. Hilgert, A. Neumann and G. \'{O}laffson,
    A conjugacy theorem for symmetric spces.
    Preprint 5 pages.

    TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

    W. Bertram and J. Hilgert
    Hardy spaces and analytic continuation of Bergman spaces.
    Preprint 31 pages.

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  3. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Schur duality for Cartan type Lie algebra $ W_n $,
    To appear in J. of Lie Theory (19 pages).

    と書いた舌の根も乾かないうちにさらに主結果が改良されました。ついでに JOLT に accept されました。(1998/5/21)

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  4. Z. Hou, S. Deng, S. Kaneyuki and K. Nishiyama,
    Dipolarizations in semisimple Lie algebras and homogeneous parak\"{a}hler manifolds,
    To appear in J. of Lie Theory.

    Post Script file : ; TeX dvi file : ; [ ]

  5. A. Wachi,
    Contravariant forms on generalized Verma modules and $ b $-functions,
    preprint February 16, 1998 (36 pages).

  6. N. Tatsuuma, H. Shimomura and T. Hirai,
    On group topologies and unitary representations of inductive limits of topological groups and the case of the group of diffeomorphisms,
    preprint Kyoto-Math 98-01.

  7. T. Fujimura,
    On some degenerate principal series representations of $ O(p, 2) $,
    preprint 1998 (37 pages).

  8. A. Okounkov and G. Olshanski,
    Asymptotics of Jack polynomials as the number of variables goes to infinity,
    preprint RIMS-1163 (1997/9)

    S. Kerov, A. Okounkov and G. Olshanski,
    The boundary of Young graph with Jack edge multiplicities,
    preprint RIMS-1174 (1997/11)

  9. P. Slodowy,
    Algebraic groups and resolutions of Kleinian singularities,
    preprint RIMS-1086 (1996/7)

  10. Eng-Chye Tan and Chen-Bo Zhu,
    On certain distinguished unitary representations supported on null cones, preprint 1997(18 pages).

    Eng-Chye Tan,
    On the theta lift for the trivial representation, preprint 1997(19 pages).

    Annegret Paul and Eng-Chye Tan,
    On the dual pairs $ (O(p,q), SL(2, {\Bbb R})), (U(p,q), U(1,1)) $ and $ (Sp(p,q), O^{\ast}(4)) $, preprint 1997 (31 pages).

  11. Alexander Molev and Maxim Nazarov,
    Capelli identities for classical Lie algebras, MRR97-003 (34 pages).

    Alexander Molev,
    Factorial supersymmetric Schur functions and super Capelli identities, q-alg/9606008 [src, ps].

  12. Seok-Jin Kang,
    Free Lie superalgebras and the generalized Witt formula, to appear in the proceedings of OSU conference (15 pages).

    Seok-Jin Kang,
    Borcherds superalgebras and a monstrous Lie superalgebra, to appear in Math. Annalen (20 pages).

  13. Jie Du, Brian Parshall and Leonard Scott,
    Quantum Weyl reciprocity and tilting modules, preprint (27 pages).

  14. Hiroyuki Yamane,
    On definig relations of the affine Lie superalgebras and their quantized universal enveloping algebras, preprint 11th March 1996 (62 pages).

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  15. Chen-Bo Zhu and Jing-Song Huang,
    On certain small representations of indefinite orthogonal groups, preprint (20 pages).

    Soo Teck Lee and Chen-Bo Zhu,
    Degenerate principal series and local theta correspondence, preprint (34 pages).

    Soo Teck Lee and Chen-Bo Zhu,
    Degenerate principal series and local theta correspondence II, preprint (34 pages).

  16. Haiquan Wang,
    Decomposition of the Canonical Representation of $W(1)\times {\rm End}[m]$ on $\Lambda(m)$, preprint, November 1996 (13 pages).

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  17. Jie Du, Brian Parshall and Leonard Scott,
    Stratifying endomorphism algebras associated Hecke algebras, preprint (30 pages).

    Jie Du, Brian Parshall and Leonard Scott,
    Cells and $ q $-Schur algebras, preprint (10 pages).

  18. A. Gyoja and Hiroshi Yamashita,
    Associated variety, Kostant-Sekiguchi correspondence, and locally free $U(\n)$-action on Harish-Chandra modules, Hokkaido Univ. Preprint Series in Math. #354, October 1996 (25 pages).

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  19. Hiroshi Yamashita,
    Associated varieties and Gelfand-Kirillov dimensions for the discrete series of a semisimple Lie group, preprint 1993 (27 pages).

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  20. Takuya Ohta,
    Associated varieties of standard representations for real reductive groups and induction of nilpotent orbits, preprint 1996 (48 pages).

  21. H. Saifi,
    Generalized Borel's in affine Kac-Moody algebras, preprint 1996 (10pages).

  22. Takeshi HIRAI and Hiroaki SHIMOMURA,
    Relations between unitary representations of diffeomorphism groups and those of the infinite symmetric group or of related permutation groups, preprint 1996 (60 pages).

  23. Tetsumi Yoshinaga,
    Behavior of Solutions of certain second order differential equations at infinity. Preprint, 1996 (13 pages).

  24. Akihiko Gyoja, Kyo Nishiyama and Hiroyuki Shimura,
    Invariants for representaions of Weyl groups and two-sided cells.
    To appear in J. Math. Soc. Japan.

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  25. Jos\'{e} Carlos de Sousa Oliviera Santos,
    Induction homologique dans les super alg\`{e}bres de Lie basique classiques, Th\`{e}se, Univ. Paris 7, le 23 F\`{e}vrier 1996.



著作権に関する注意 をお読み下さい。
  1. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Commutant algebra and harmonic polynomials of a Lie algebra of vector fields. J. Alg., 183(1996), 545 -- 559.

    落合さんから misprint を指摘していただきました。

    • p558 Table II の deg=6 の所、次元は 9 で間違っていませんが、例として挙がっている形式の型が一つ抜けていました。このようなタイプがあることを知らないと次元は一見 7 のように見えます。
    • p557 Example 5.1 の m=4 の時は 64 でなくて 65 です。
    • Definition 5.5 の 1 ≧ 0 は i ≧ 0 の間違いです。
    下記に misprint の訂正版と、論文では省略して書いてある Cartan type の調和多項式 (CHP) の完全な表を置いておきますのでご利用下さい。

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    Newest version of the paper : Newest version of the paper :
    Table of CHP : Table of CHP :

  2. Kyo Nishiyama,
    半単純 Lie 群の standard 表現入門 -- $ Sp(2, \R) $ と $ SU(2, 2) $ を中心に --, 数理研講究録909所収.

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  1. 対称式と調和多項式に関する講義ノート[少し長いです]('98/1/5)

    目次/群とあそぼう(復習)/対称群の作用する空間/線型群のお話/対称式と調和多項式/多項式環上の対称群の表現 [計 50 ページ]

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  2. 蟹江さん@三重大のリーマン面の話

  3. 倉敷での集会(Nov. 5 -- Nov. 8, 1996) のノート が公開されています。

  4. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Restriction of the irreducible representation of $ GL_n $ to the symmetric group $ {\frak S}_n $.

    It is well-known that the 0-weight space of the irreducible representation of $ GL_n $ with highest weight of size $ n $ is irreducible for $ {\frak S}_n $. This note is a generalization of such kind of phenominon. A relation to the plethysm is also dicussed.

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  5. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Reductive Dual Pair と Weil 表現 -- 一方が compact の場合 --
    '96 整数論サマースクール報告集用の原稿がやっとできました。たくさんの方のお手を煩わせましたがようやく完成しました。どうも有難うございました。('96/12/16)

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  6. Kyo Nishiyama,
    Cells in Weyl group, notes for Tottori Workshop, Jan. 1996.

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  1. 表現論関係の集会の講演題目集(熊原先生による)
    表現論シンポジウムの歴史 のコーナーもあります。
    -- Update :

  2. 平井武 Takeshi Hirai (Kyoto Univ.)
    -- Update :

  3. 伊東由文 Yoshihumi Ito (Tokushima Univ.)
    -- Update :

  4. 西山享 Kyo Nishiyama (Kyoto Univ., Faculty of IHS)
    -- Update :

  5. 東京大学 :
    大島利雄 , 小林俊行

  6. National University of Singapore :
    Helmer Aslaksen , Lee Soo Teck , Eng Chye Tan , Zhu ChengBo


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