
< books >

1. 解析学[下巻] サイエンスハウス (印刷中)
2. 超函数の理論[I]
3. 超函数の理論[II]
4. 算術の公理
5. 線形代数学の基礎
6. 解析学の基礎
7. 量子力学の数学的原理 (準備中)

< papers >

1. Theory of Fourier Microfunctions of Several Types (II)
2. Theory of Fourier Microfunctions of Several Types (III)
3. Sato Hyperfunctions Valued in a Locally Convex Space
4. $L_2$-estimates and existence theorems for the exterior 
   differential operators
5. Theory of (Vector Valued) Sato Hyperfunctions on a Real Analytic Manifold
6. Theory of General Fourier Hyperfunctions
7. Theory of Hypoprobability measures
8. Theory of infraexponential holomorphic functions
9. New definitions of products of distributions


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