10th Workshop on Representations of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
-- in honor of professor Shoji and professor Shinoda's 60 th birthday --
Dates: 2007/05/31 -- 2007/06/03
Location: Karuizawa Seminar House (Sophia University)
Susumu Ariki (RIMS),
Yaushi Gomi (Sohia Univeristy),
Toshiki Nakashima (Sophia University),
Hyoe Miyachi (Nagoya University)
21st Century COE Program ''Algebraic Analysis and Around''
--In honor of Professor Masaki Kashiwara's 60th birthday--
Dates: 2007/06/25 (Mon) -- 2007/06/30 (Sat)
Location: Kyoto Univeristy
Representation Theory, Systems of Differential Equations and their Related Topics
Dates: 2007/07/02 -- 2007/07/06
Location: Hokkaido University
52nd Algebra Symposium
Dates: 2007/8/6 -- 8/9
Location: Kobe University
There will be talks by T.Tanisaki, S.Naito, D.Sagaki and S.Kato. Also there are talks on automorphic forms.
46th Joint Symposium on Real and Functional Analysis
Dates: 2007/08/07 -- 2007/08/09
Kyushu University
Tambara Workshop 2007:
Geometry and Representations in Lie Theory
Dates: 2007/08/20 (Mon) -- 2007/08/24 (Fri)
Tamabara Seminar House (Univ. of Tokyo)
Toshio Oshima (Tokyo),
Hiroyuki Ochiai (Nagoya),
Kyo Nishiyama (Kyoto)
Workshop in honor of Tatsuo Kimura on the occasion of his 60th anniversary
Dates: 2007/08/24--08/25
Location: Tsukuba International Conference Center
Takeyoshi Kogiso (Josai Univ.), Iwao Kimura (Toyama Univ.), Kazunari Sugiyama (Tsukuba Univ.)
Sapporo Lectures on Representations in Lie Theory
-- An introduction and the beyond --
Dates: 2007/08/27 -- 2007/08/31 (tentative)
Location: Hokkaido University
Kyo Nishiyama (Kyoto),
Hiroyuki Ochiai (Nagoya),
Hiroshi Yamashita (Hokkaido)
There will be series of lectures by David Vogan (MIT) / Hideyuki Ishi (Nagoya)/ Syu Kato (RIMS)/ Hiroshi Oda (Takushoku).
RIMS Workshop:
Representaions of Gropus and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces
Dates: 2007/09/03(Mon) -- 2007/09/06(Thu)
Location: RIMS Room 420, Kyoto University
Organizer: Katsuhiko Kikuchi (Kyoto)
JSPS-DFG Joint Seminar:
Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis IV, 2007
Dates: 2007/09/10 -- 2007/09/14 (tentative)
Location: University of Tokyo
Hitoshi Arai (Tokyo),
Akihito Hora (Nagoya),
Takeshi Kawazoe (Keio),
Kyo Nishiyama (Kyoto),
Michael Voit (Dordmund),
Joachim Hilgert (Paderborn)
MSJ Annual Meeting in Autumn
Dates: 2007/09/21 -- 2007/09/24
Location: Tohoku University
RIMS mini-Workshop:
Expansion of Combinatorial Representation Theory
Dates: 2007-10-23--2007-10-26
Location: RIMS Room 115, Kyoto University
Organizer:Masato Okado (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.)
Symposium on Representation Theory 2007
Dates: 2007/11/13 -- 2007/11/16
Location: Q-kamura Sanuki Goshikidai (resort hotel)
Takeshi Ikeda, Nobukazu Shimeno, Yoshiyuki Mori
(Okayama Science University)
Japan-Russia Joint Workshop
Harmonic Analysis and Quantizations on Homogeneous Spaces
Dates: 2008/02/18 -- 2008/02/22
Location: Kyushu University
MSJ Annual Meeting in Spring
Dates: 2008/03/23 -- 2008/03/26
Location: Kinki University
Moonshiney Conference in Kashiwa
Dates: 2008/5/22--5/24
Location: Media Hall, Kashiwa Library, Kashiwa Campus, the University of Tokyo
Host Institution: Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU)
Organizers: Kyoji Saito (IPMU), Atsushi Matsuo (University of Tokyo),
Masahiko Miyamoto (University of Tsukuba),
Hiromichi Yamada (Hitotsubashi University)
the 11th Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
Dates: 2008/5/25--5/28
Location: Okayama
Organizers: Hirofumi Yamada (Okayama Univ.)
the 53rd Algebra SYmposium
Dates: 2008/08/05 (Tue) -- 2008/08/08 (Fri)
Location: Iwate
the 47th Joint Symposium on Real Analysis and Functional Analysis
Dates: 2008/08/06 (Wed) -- 2008/08/08 (Fri)
Location: Keio Univ., Yagami Campus
Organizers: Shigeru Yamagami, Yasuo Komori / Takeshi Kawazoe
the 16th Summer School on Number Theory
Dates: 2008/8/18 -- 21
Location: Makuhari Messe
Organizers: Taku Ishii (Chiba Institute of Technology), Miki Hirano (Seikei Univ.)
Japan-Russia Joint Workshop :
Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Quantization
Dates: 2008/8/24--8/30
Location: Tambara Seminar House, University of Tokyo
The 8th International Conference by Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
Combinatorics and Representation Theory
Dates: September 1 -- 5, 2008
Location: Rm. 509, Bldg. Sci-1(Bldg. of Grad. Sch. of Math.), Nagoya University
Organizers: Soichi Okada (Nagoya Univ./Chair), Akihito Hora (Nagoya Univ.), Hiroyuki Ochiai (Nagoya Univ.), Masato Okado (Osaka Univ.), Hiro-Fumi Yamada (Okayama Univ.)
RIMS Workshop
New Viewpoints of Representation Theory and Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis
Dates: 2008-09-16--2008-09-19
Location: RIMS 420
Organizers: Minoru Itoh (Faculty of Science, Kagoshima Univ.)
MSJ Annual Autumn Meeting
Dates: 2008/09/24 -- 2008/09/27
Location: TITech
RIMS Workshop
Expansion of Combinatorial Representation Theory
Dates: 2008-10-07--2008-10-10
Location: RIMS 420
Organizer:Hyohe Miyachi (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya Univ.)
Symposium on Representation Theory 2008
Dates: 2008/11/11 -- 2008/11/14
Location: Welheartpia Atami
Organizers: Kenji Taniguchi, Taro Yoshino
RIMS Wrokshop
Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Algebras, and Related Topics
Dates: 2008-11-20--2008-11-21
Location: RIMS 420
Organizer:Shigeo Koshitani (Graduate School of Science, Chiba Univ.)
RIMS Workshop
Finite Groups, Vertex Operator Algebras and Combinatorics
Dates: 2009-01-06 - 2009-01-09
Location: RIMS 420
Organizer:Hiromichi Yamada (Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi Univ.)
RIMS Workshop
Automorphic representations, automorphic L-functions and arithmetic
Dates: 2009-01-19 - 2009-01-23
Location: RIMS 420
Organizer:Yoshi-hiro Ishikawa (Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama Univ.)
The 8th Workshop on Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory (NORTh 8)
Dates: 2009/03/08 Sun. -- 2009/03/11 Wed.
Yuno-Yado Komorebi
Ogoto resort of hot spring
Toshiyuki Kobayashi (Tokyo),
Kyo Nishiyama (Kyoto),
Hiroshi Yamashita (Hokkaido)
Spring School on Representation Theory
Dates: 12-14, 16-17 March 2009
Location: Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Organizer: Toshiyuki Kobayashi
Mini-courses given by
- Bernhard Kroetz (Germany)
- Salah Mehdi (France)
- Peter Trapa (USA)
- Roger Zierau (USA)
MSJ Annual Spring Meeting
Dates: 2009/03/26 -- 2008/03/29
Location: University of Tokyo
the 12th Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups
Dates: 2009.5.10 -- 5.15
RIMS Workshop:
New developments in group representation theory and
non-commutative harmonic analysis
Dates: Late in May or early in June
Location: RIMS 420 (tentative)
Organizers: Hideyuki Ishi (Nagoya Univ.)
Midwest Geometry Conference
to be held in the honor of
Thomas P. Branson (1953 -- 2006)
Dates: May 18 - 20, 2007
Location: he University of Iowa, USA
"Around Broue's conjectures"
Dates: 28 May - 1 June 2007
Location: CIRM, Luminy, France
Organizers: David Bessis, Markus Linckelmann and Raphael Rouquier.
Conference on the Representation Theory of p-adic Groups
on the occasion of
Colin Bushnell's 60th birthday
Dates: June 6th-8th 2007
Location: King's College London
Organizers: David Burns, Phil Kutzko, Shaun Stevens
2007 Nankai Summer School on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis
Dates: June 10 -- 21, 2007
Location: Nankai Univ., China
Organizers: Jing-Song Huang (USTHK), K. Liang (Nankai Univ.)
FPSAC 2007
19th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
Dates: July 2-6, 2007
Location: Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Again there is a conference in Nankai Univ.!
Lie groups, algebraic groups and transformation groups
A conference in honor of Ernest B. Vinberg's 70th birthday
Dates: 20 July -- 24 July, 2007
Location: Bielefeld
Representation theory, complex analysis and integral geometry
Dates: 2007/07/25 -- 2007/07/27
Location: Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics
Organizers: Simon Gindikin, Bernhard Kroetz
There is a project in the same theme from June to August in 2007. Many researchers in the related fields including Japanese ones will participate in the project.
International Conference on Integral Geometry, Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory
in honor of Sigurdur Helgason on the occasion
of his 80th birthday.
Dates: 15th - 18th August 2007
Location: University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
Organizers: G. Olaffson (Chair) et al.
Professor Helgason visited Japan last year; at that time he looked quite young something around 65 or so. But he really is 80 years old! which is my true astonishment.
In honor of Jean Ludwig's 60th anniversary
Dates: September 6-7, 2007
Location: Universite'
Paul Verlaine - Metz
Organizers: Detlef Mu"ller, et al.
B-stable ideals and nilpotent orbits
Dates: October 8 to October 12 , 2007
Location: the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Rome, Italy
Organizers: Paolo Papi, Eric Sommers
Harmonische Analysis und Darstellungstheorie Topologischer Gruppen
Dates: 2007/10/14 -- 2007/10/21
Organizers: Toshiyuki Kobayashi (Tokyo), Bernhard Kroetz (Bonn), Erez Lapid (Givat Ram), Charles Torossian (Paris)
International Conference:
Transformation Groups
dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of Ernest B. Vinberg
Dates: December 17 - 22, 2007
Location: Moscow, Russia
HMI Workshop
Gauge theories, Moduli spaces and Representation theory
Dates: April 7 - April 12, 2008
Location: The Hamilton Mathematics Institute TCD, Ireland
Speakers: I. Cherednik (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) / M. Kapranov (Yale University, USA) / M. Kontsevich (IHES, France) / F. Smirnov (LPTHE/CNRS, University Paris VI , France) / D. Zagier (MPIM, Germany and College de France)
Lie Theory and Geometry
The Mathematical Legacy of Bertram Kostant
Dates:May 19-24, 2008
Location: Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver
Organizers: Jim Carrell, Shrawan Kumar
Workshop on Representation Theory, Geometry and Combinatorics
Dates: 02 -- 06 June 2008
Location: University of California, Berkeley
Lecture series by
- * David Hernandez (CNRS, Versailles)
- * Mark Shimozono (Virginia Tech)
2008 Nankai Summer School on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis
Dates: June 08 -- 20, 2008
Location: Nankai Univ., China
Lectures given by Birne Binegar, Wenzhi Luo, Hiroyuki Ochiai, Pavle Pandzic, David Vogan, Yi Ming Zhou.
Symmetries in Mathematics and Physics
in Honor of the 65th birthday of Prof. Victor G. Kac
Dates: 22 -- 28 June 2008
Location: Palazzone della Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Cortona, Italy
Hermitian Symmetric Spaces, Jordan Algebras and related problems
in Honor of Jean-Louis Clerc
Dates: 23 -- 27 June 2008
Location: CIRM, Luminy
Functional Analysis X Representation Theory
Dates: June 29 - July 5, 2008
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Draen Adamovi,
Damir Baki,
Davor Butkovi,
Hrvoje Kraljevi,
Goran Mui,
Mirko Primc,
Murali Rao,
David Renard,
Hrvoje iki and
David Vogan
IMJ Summer School
p-adic representations of p-adic groups
Dates: July 7-12, 2008
Location: Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu/ Institut Henri Poincare, Paris
Colloque d'Analyse Harmonique d'Orsay
en l'honneur de
No\"el Lohou\'e
Dates: July 9-12, 2008
Location: Departement of Mathematics of Orsay, University Paris-Sud 11, Paris
International Conference on
Lie Groups, Representations and Conformal Geometry
On the Occasion of the
60th Birthday of Bent Orsted
Dates: April 6 - 10, 2009
Location: Gttingen, Germany
Michael Pevzner (Reims),
Toshiyuki Kobayashi (Tokyo),
Pablo Ramacher (Goettingen),
Ingo Witt (Goettingen)
the 2009 nankai summer school on representation theory and harmonic analysis
Dates: Jun. 7-13, 2009
Location: Nankai University, China
Lectures will be given by K. Nishiyama, P. Pandzic, H. Yamashita, G. Zhang, C.-B. Zhu
Representation Theory XI
Dates: June 14-21, 2009.
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia
Computational Theory of Real Reductive Groups
Dates: July 20-24, 2009
Location: University of Utah
Organizers: atlas project team
Representation Theory of Real Reductive Groups
Dates: July 27 - July 31, 2009
Location: University of Utah
Organizers: atlas project team
Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics
Conference in honor of Gregg Zuckerman's 60th birthday
Dates: October 24-27, 2009
Location: Yale University, USA
Jeffrey Adams, Bong Lian, Siddhartha Sahi, Mikhail Kapranov
the VII workshop in Lie Theory and its applications
Dates: November 27th -- December 1st., 2009.
Location: Cordoba, Argentina
Organizers: A. Kaplan, C. Boyallian, A. Tirao
One day conference in honor to Jorge Vargas' 60th birthday the 26th of November.
ICM 2010 : International Congress of Mathematicians 2010
Dates: August 19 -- 27, 2010
Location: Hyderabad, INDIA
M.S. Raghunathan, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai/
M.S. Narasimhan, Honorary Fellow, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
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FDLIST: Information list for representation theory of finite dimensional algebras
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