表現論に関係のある国内の集会を独断と偏見でまとめてみました。 これ以外に情報をお持ちの方はお知らせ下さい。
第 7 回代数群と量子群の表現論 研究集会
Dates: 2004 年 6 月 18 日 (金) - 6 月 20 日 (日)
Location: 富士教育研修所   静岡県裾野市下和田656番地  
Organizers: 庄司俊明、宮地兵衛 (名古屋大学大学院多元数理科学研究科)
Dates: 2004年7月17日(土)〜19日(祝)
Location: 岩手大学人文社会科学部
開催責任者: 実函数論分科会連絡責任評議員 中井英一 函数解析学分科会連絡責任評議員 松木敏彦(実務担当) 会場責任者: 三浦康秀(岩手大学人文社会科学部)
Dates: August 9 (Monday) -- August 12 (Thursday), 2004
Location: RIMS, Room 420
Organizers: 井上順子 (鳥取大学教育地域科学部)
締め切りは5月31日(月)とします.                     ---表現論MLより
RIMS mini-Workshop on Tropical
Combinatorics and Tropical
Algebraic Geometry
Dates: August 12 (Thursday) -- August 21 (Saturday), 2004
Location: RIMS, Room 115
Organizers: Anatoli Kirillov (RIMS)
第6回 冪零軌道と表現論研究集会
Dates: September 6 - September 10, 2004
Location: 富士桜荘
Organizers: Jiro Sekiguchi (Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology),
Kyo Nishiyama (Kyoto University)
[ registration form ]
The 13th MSJ International Research Institute
Moduli spaces and arithmetic geometry
Date: 8 - 15 September 2004
Location: Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan
日本数学会 : 2004年度秋期総合分科会
Dates : September 19 -- September 22, 2004
Location : 北海道大学
RIMS 短期共同研究
Dates: Sptember 28 (Tuesday) -- October 1 (Friday), 2004
Location: RIMS, Room 420
Organizers: 織田孝幸 (東大数理)
RIMS 研究集会
Dates: October 19 (Tuesday) -- October 22 (Friday), 2004
Location: RIMS, Room 115
Organizers: 佐垣大輔 (筑波大学数学系)
2004 年度 表現論シンポジウム
Dates: Novemver 16 (Tuesday) -- November 19 (Friday), 2004
Location: プラザ淡路島
Organizers: 小林俊行(数理研)、落合啓之(名大)、田川裕之(和歌山大)
現在参加受付中(10/22まで) [上記ホームページより申込]
RIMS 研究集会
Dates: January 17 (Monday) -- January 21 (Friday), 2005
Location: RIMS, Room 420
Organizers: 古澤昌秋 (大阪市立大学・理)
Infinite-dimensional aspects of representation theory and applications
Date: May 18-22, 2004
Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
Summer school: Quivers and Geometric Representation Theory
Date: May 24 to May 28 , 2004
Location: CIRM, Luminy, France
MRI Spring School 2004
Lie Groups in Analysis, Geometry and Mechanics
Dates: June 3 - June 25, 2004
Location: Utrecht University
Organizers: Erik P. van den Ban (Utrecht Univ.)
Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups
Date: JUNE 7 -- JUNE 11, 2004
Organizers: Anders Buch (abuch ([at]) imf.au.dk) and
Jesper Funch Thomsen (funch ([at]) imf.au.dk)
Representation theory and Complex Analysis
Venezia, Italy, June 10-17, 2004
参加〆切は 3/20 です。
Scientific Directors: Enrico Casadio Tarabusi, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" Andrea D'Agnolo, Universita' di Padova Massimo A. Picardello, Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata" Speakers (5 hours each): Michael G. Cowling, University of New South Wales "Applications of representation theory to harmonic analysis of Lie groups" Edward V. Frenkel, University of California at Berkeley "Recent developments in the geometric Langlands Program" Masaki Kashiwara, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences "Equivariant derived category and representation of semisimple Lie groups" David A. Vogan, Jr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "Unitary representations and complex analysis" Nolan R. Wallach, University of California at San Diego "Representation theory of Lie groups and applications"
Retrospective in Combinatorics:
Honoring Stanley's 60th Birthday
Date: June 22-26, 2004
Location: M.I.T.
Registration: due June 4, 2004
Representation Theory and its Applications
Date: 22-27 June, 2004.
Location: Uppsala, Sweden
a satellite conference to the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics
16th Annual International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
Date: June 28 - July 2, 2004
Location: University of British Columbia (Vancouver B.C., Canada)
AMS Summer Research Conference:
Representations of Algebraic Groups, Quantum Groups and Lie Algebras 2004
Date: 10 July-16 July, 2004.
Location: Snowbird, Utah, USA
Algebraic Groups, Arithmetic Groups, Automorphic Forms and
Representation Theory:
An International Conference in Memory of Armand Borel
Date: July 26--30, 2004
Location: Center of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
International Conference on Representation Theory, III (ICRT III)
Date: July 30 through August 4, 2004.
Location: Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
International Symposium on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis
Date: Aug. 2-8, 2004
Location: Urumqi, Xinjiang, P. R. China
日本人の講演者多数。Borel の追悼記念集会のサテライト(?)的な集会らしい。
Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras
Date: February 06-12, 2005
Location: Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany
Organizers: Idun Reiten, Claus Michael Ringel
Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory
Date: March 03-19, 2005
Location: Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany
Organizers: Shrawan Kumar, Peter Littelmann, Wolfgang Soergel
FDLIST : Information list for representation theory of finite dimensional algebras - Meetings and Conferences -
名古屋大学集中講義等の情報16年度前期 非常勤講師: 古澤昌秋4/19-23 塩田徹治5/17-21 中島啓6/7-11 斉藤政彦7/5-9 客員併任: 山田泰彦、三町勝久、向井茂、宮岡礼子、小木曽啓示、大山陽介
Hung-Yean Loke, NUS (National University of Singapore) November 2004 - December 2004 (tentative) RIMS, Kyoto University.
Last Update :