New Books

  1. Thangavelu, S.: Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces adn Hardy's Theorem. Progress in Math. Vol. 217. Birkhauser, 2003. (ISBN 0-8176-4330-3)
  2. Jerzy Weyman, Cohomology of vector bundles and syzygies. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 149. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003. xiv+371 pp.
  3. I. M. Gelfand and S. G. Gindikin, and M. I. Graev, Selected Topics in Integral Geometry - RAS - AMS, 2003, 170 pp., MMONO/220
  4. J.-P. Anker and B. Orsted , Lie Theory - Lie algebras and Representations. Birkhauser, pp. 352, 2003.
  5. Shigeru Mukai (Translated by W. M. Oxbury), An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 81, Cambridge University Press, September 2003, 524 pages.
  6. Alexandre Borovik, I. M. Gelfand and Neil White, Coxeter Matroids. Progress in Mathematics 216, Birkhauser, July, 2003.
  7. J. Bernstein and S. Gelbart (editors), An introduction to the LANGLANDS PROGRAM, Birkh\"{a}user, 2003.
  8. Conway, John H.; Smith, Derek A. On quaternions and octonions: their geometry, arithmetic, and symmetry. A K Peters, Ltd., Natick, MA, 2003. xii+159 pp. \$29.00. ISBN 1-56881-134-9
  9. Knus, Max-Albert; Merkurjev, Alexander; Rost, Markus; Tignol, Jean-Pierre ; The book of involutions. AMS Colloquium Publications, 44. AMS, 1998. xxii+593 pp.
  10. I. Cherednik, Ya. Markov, R. Howe, G. Lusztig: Iwahori-Hecke Algebras and their Representation Theory, "Lectures given at the CIME Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, June 28 - July 6, 1999", (M.W. Baldoni, D. Barbasch (Eds.)), LNM 1804, Springer Verlag, 2003.
  11. I. Macdonald, Affine Hecke algebras and orthogonal polynomials. AMS, Mar. 2003.
  12. V. Guillemin, V. Ginzburg and Y. Karson, Moment maps, cobordisms, and Hamiltonian group actions. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs vol. 98, AMS, Oct. 2002.
  13. V. Mozorchuk, Genralized Verma modules, VNTL Publishers, 2002.
  14. I. Dolgachev, Lectures on Invariant Theory, LMS Lecture Note Series 296, 2002 Dec.
  15. Arild Stubhaug, R. Daly (Translator), The Mathematician Sophus Lie: It Was the Audacity of My Thinking. Springer Verlag, 2002 (January).
  16. Susumu Ariki, Representations of quatum algebras and combinatorics of Young tableaux, University Lecture Series 26, AMS, 2002. (July)
  17. H. Derksen and G. Kemper, Computational Invariant Theory, Invariant Theory and Algebraic Transformation Groups I (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences 130), Springer, 2002. (June)
  18. A. Bialynicki-Birula, J. B. Carell, and W. M. McGovern, Algebraic Quotients. Torus actions and cohomology. The adjoint representation and the adjoint action. Invariant Theory and Algebraic Transformation Groups II (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences 131), Springer, 2002.
  19. J.H. Bruinier, Borcherds products on O(2, l) and Chern classes of Heegner divisors, LNM 1780, Springer.
  20. Toshiyuki Tanisaki, Lie algebras and quantum groups, Kyoritsu-Shuppan (in Japanese), 2002.
  21. Jun-ichi Matzuzawa, Singularity and root system, Asakura-Shoten (in Japanese), 2002.
  22. Nobushige Kurokawa and Masato Wakayama, Absolute Casimir elements, Iwanami-Shoten (in Japanese), 2002.
  23. Gabor Toth, Finite Moebius groups, minimal immersions of spheres, and moduli, Universitext, Springer, 2002.
  24. W. Rossmann , Lie Groups -- An introduction through linear groups. Oxford Grad. Texts in Math., Oxford, 2001.
  25. Stembridge, J./ Thibon, J.-Y./ van Leeuwen, M., Interaction of Combinatorics and Representation Theory. MSJ Memoirs vol 11, MSJ, 2001.
  26. Jin Hong and Seok-Jin Kang, Introduction to Quantum Groups and Crystal Bases. Graduate Studies in Math., AMS, 2002.
  27. Neusel, M. and Smith, L., Invariant Theory of Finite Groups. Math. Surveys and Monographs vol 94, AMS, 2002.
  28. V. Lakshmibai, Peter Littleman, C. S. Seshadri, Schubert Varieties. 352 pages (December 2001), Birkhauser.
  29. Laurent Manivel, Symmetric functions, Schubert polynomials and degeneracy loci, SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs 6, AMS. 2001.
  30. R. Kane, Reflection groups and invariant theory. CMS Books in Math. 5, Springer. July 2001. (not-yet published)
  31. Edward Frenkel and David Ben-Zhi , Vertex algebras and algebraic curves. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 88, AMS. August 2001. (not-yet published)
  32. W. Rossmann, Lie Groups -- An introduction through linear groups. Oxford Grad. Texts in Math., Oxford, 2001. (not yet published)
  33. S. Kumar, Kac-Moody groups, their flag varieties and representation theory. PM ???, Birkhauser, October 2001. (not yet published)
  34. Keisaku Kumahara, Matrices, groups and homogeneous spaces. Nihon-Hyoron-sha, July 2001. (in Japanese). (not-yet published)
  35. Jun Morita, Lectures on Kac-Moody groups, Sophia Kokyuroku in Math. 44, Sophia University, 2001. (in Japanese)
  36. Armand Borel, Essays in the History of Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups, AMS, 2001.7.
  37. Jay Jorgenson and Serge Lang, Spherical Inversion on $ SL_n(R) $, Springer, 2001.6.
  38. Bruce E. Sagan, The symmetric group (2nd ed.), GTM 203, Springer, 2001.
  39. W. A. de Graaf , Lie algebras: Theory and algorithms, North-Holland Math. Library 56, North-Holland, 2000.
  40. W. Bertram, The geometry of Jordan and Lie structures. LNM 1754, Springer, 2000.
  41. M. Geck and G. Pfeiffer, Characters of finite Coxeter groups and Iwahori-Hecke algebras, London Math. Soc. Mmonographs 21, Oxford, 2000.
  42. E. M. Opdam, Lecture notes on Dunkl operators for real and complex reflection groups, MSJ Memoirs 8, Math. Soc. Japan, 2000.
  43. C. Dunkl and Y. Xu, Orthogonal polynomials of several variables, Encyclopedia of Math. and its Appl. 81, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001.
  44. Susumu Ariki, Representations and combinatorics on affine quantum group $ A_{r - 1}^{(1)} $, Lecture Notes of Sophia Univ., 2000. (in Japanese)
  45. C.W. Curtis, Pioneers of representation theory: Frobenius, Burnside, Schur, and Brauer, History of Mathematics 15, AMS-London Math. Society, 2000.
  46. H. Heyer, T. Hirai and N. Obata (eds.), Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis, Transaction of a Japanese-German Symposium (1999, Kyoto Univ.), Kyoto 1999.
  47. L. Frappat, A. Sciarrino and P. Sorba, Dictionary on Lie Algebras and Superalgebras, Academic Press, 2000. (CD included)
  48. Masaki Kashiwara and Tetsuji Miwa, Physical Combinatorics, Progress in Mathematics vol , Birkhauser, 2000 July.
  49. R. S. Doran and V. S. Varadarajan (eds.), The Mathematical Legacy of Harish-Chandra : A Celebration of Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis, Proc. Symposia in Pure Math. 68, AMS, March 2000.
  50. V.W. Guillemin, S. Sternberg, Supersymmetry and Equivariant de Rham Theory, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
  51. Audrey Terras, Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups and Applications (London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 43), May 1999.
  52. T. Kobayashi et. al., Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces and Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Okayama-Kyoto, Adv. Studies in Pure Math. 26, MSJ, 2000.
  53. Masaki Kashiwara, Introduction to Algebraic Analysis, Modern Development of Mathematics Vol. 1, Iwanami Shoten, 2000 (in Japanese).
  54. J. Adams and D. Vogan , Representation theory of Lie groups, IAS/Park City Mathematics Series, Volume 8, AMS, 2000.
  55. J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk, Lie groups. Universitext. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000. viii+344 pp. ISBN: 3-540-15293-8
  56. Jing-Song Huang , Lectures on representation theory, World Scientific, 1999.
  57. Harish-Chandra (Notes by S. DeBecker and P. J. Sally, Jr.), Admissible invariant distributions on reductive $ p $-adic groups, University Lecture Series 16, AMS, 1999.

J.-P. Anker and B. Orsted,
Lie Theory - Lie algebras and Representations.
Birkhauser, pp. 352, 2003.

The book contained the follwoing two articles:

[Tue Sep 2 15:52:01 JST 2003]

H. Heyer, T. Hirai and N. Obata (eds.),
Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis,
Transaction of a Japanese-German Symposium (1999, Kyoto Univ.),
Kyoto 1999.

This is proceedings of Japanese-German Symposium held at Kyoto Univ. in 1999, September. It may not circulate broadly, so if you want to get it, please contact Nobuaki Obata at Nagoya University.

Authors are:
Albeverio, Asao Arai, Hitoshi Arai, Asai, Hashimoto, Hazod, Heyer, Hida, Hinz, Hirai, Hora, Obata, Kamimoto, Kaniuth, Kawazoe, Krieg, Ludwig, Nishiyama, R\"osler, Saito, Shimomura, Speicher, Voit, Ymaguchi, Yamashita.

Nishiyama's article is available from his homepage.

[Tue Aug 29 18:54:27 JST 2000]

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